Convergence: Book One of the Blending
Sharon Green. Eos, $6.99 (448pp) ISBN 978-0-380-78414-1
Every 25 years, the law calls for a new Blending to rule the land. The Blending consists of five high practitioners of the magic of Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Spirit. But now is also the time foretold by the Prophecies--when the tyrannical Four would return to bring destruction to the land. Which means that this new Blending must be an extraordinary one. Convergence is an engaging, imaginative and often humorous story narrated by Tamrissa (Fire), that documents the journey, background and trials of Lorand (Earth), Clarion (Air), Vallant (Water) and Jovvi (Spirit) as they each compete for the new Blending. Although all very different, the five become close allies, overcoming their many fears and vulnerabilities to qualify for the competition that will determine the new Blending. Green (Dark Mirrors, Dark Dreams) has written a fine first installment to what promises to be a wonderful new fantasy series.(Nov.)
Reviewed on: 11/04/1996
Genre: Fiction