cover image Overcoming Insomnia

Overcoming Insomnia

Donald R. Sweeney. Putnam Publishing Group, $18.95 (303pp) ISBN 978-0-399-13405-0

Written by a psychiatrist, this introduction to sleep and its disorders goes beyond the usual definition of insomniathe consistent inability to get enough sleepto discuss a wide range of related maladies, from jet lag to bed-wetting and sleep apnea (interrupted breathing). Sweeney's commonsensical approach alerts the sufferer to habits that may contribute to sleeplessnesshe provides questionnaires about one's general health, activities and sleeping history, plus a sleep diary that will help a physician diagnose and treat a persistent problem. The book is full of simple, even obvious, strategies to promote healthful sleep, but Sweeney describes and urges medical treatment for sleep disorders that indicate serious illness. Drugs used to treat insomnia are included in an appendix, though the author believes drug therapies often lack long-term effectiveness and may even obstruct treatment of underlying ailments. Sweeney cannot resist the occasional pun, but his genial tone and clear explanations will reassure the troubled (or their parents) that a good night's sleep is indeed within reach. (Jan.)