THE ULTIMATE RIDE: Get Fit, Get Fast, and Start Winning with the World's Top Cycling Coach
Chris Carmichael, with Jim Rutberg. . Putnam, $24.95 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-399-15071-5
Carmichael, Olympic coach and trainer, is probably best known for training cyclist Lance Armstrong, winner of four consecutive Tour de France championships. Here, Carmichael offers a sound approach for serious cyclists wanting to improve their abilities, compete more successfully and train without incurring injuries. The well-organized book begins with Carmichael talking about his background and then explaining the Carmichael Training System (CTS), a pyramid where people first set goals and then work through various stages of training. The chapter on diet will be useful to marathoners as well as cyclists; but the chapter "Tools of Training" on specific bike workouts such as HighSpeedSprints and FoundationMiles will be of interest only to serious cyclists. Illustrations are of Armstrong and other athletes coached by Carmichael, and the writing is clear and persuasive without being excessively inspirational. For example, the author states, "Before you can chase your dreams, you must know exactly what they are and where you are in relation to them. You must also have the courage to make your own rules and not allow yourself to be governed by perceived or imposed limitations." This is a first-rate guide for cyclists who compete or race and should also appeal to professionals who work with athletes such as coaches or physical therapists.
Reviewed on: 06/02/2003
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 352 pages - 978-0-425-19601-4