cover image Fury


John Coyne. Warner Books, $18.95 (280pp) ISBN 978-0-446-51420-0

Coyne's latest excursion (after The Fearing ) into horror is fast-paced and readable. Jennifer Winters, a young New York lawyer, runs into an old friend and, on a lark, goes with her to a presentation given by internationally known channeler Kathy Dart. Thereafter, Jennifer finds herself subject to bestial rages and, when angered, endowed with extraordinary strength (which she uses with savage abandon). It seems that one of her past lives is somehow beginning to take over her present one; worse yet, an ancient enemy from prehistoric days has returned to stalk her. Coyne does a fine job feeding the reader necessary background information about channeling and reincarnation and keeps events moving fast enough that the various loose ends are quickly forgotten. It's all quite silly, of course, with the plot wrapped up just a bit too neatly, but a competent entertainment overall. (Oct.)