cover image Perfecting Your Purpose: 40 Days to a More Meaningful Life

Perfecting Your Purpose: 40 Days to a More Meaningful Life

David D. Ireland, .. Warner, $17.99 (304pp) ISBN 978-0-446-57824-0

Pastor and author Ireland's latest book is a poorly executed imitation of Rick Warren's The Purpose-Driven Life . While Warren's book offers clear steps to finding a biblical life purpose and is accessible to all regardless of background, Ireland's is full of "Christianese" and may raise more questions than it answers. Like Warren, Ireland focuses on bringing readers to find their life purpose, which to Ireland may mean championing a cause, teaching others about faith or perhaps doing something grander. This life purpose is never clearly defined, however, and Ireland vaguely instructs that the best way to clarify your purpose is to spend time analyzing your feelings in the presence of God to determine whether you are heading in the right direction. (Ironically, Ireland faults biblical characters for acting solely in response to their feelings.) Readers are given further vague instructions to look for a burning bush, to "have a mountaintop experience" and to "stake [a] claim against the devil." Throughout, Ireland uses themes from such biblical characters as Joseph, Ezekiel and Noah, who all experienced 40-day "Transforming Intervals," but his attempts to equate their biblical quests directly to the search for purpose he prescribes are a stretch at best. Ireland's approach appears contrived, and he offers little of value to draw readers away from Warren's bestseller. (May 18)