How Art Made the World: A Journey to the Origins of Human Creativity
Nigel Spivey. Perseus Books Group, $29.95 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-465-08181-3
This work, a companion to a PBS miniseries of the same name, explores art as a phenomenon unique to human existence that has evolved in method and purpose, mirroring the scientific, social and cultural advancements in civilizations. As such, Spivey (Enduring Creation: Art, Pain, and Fortitude; Songs on Bronze) draws on a wide range of material: Paleolithic cave paintings, contemporary visions of propaganda and social control, ancient Egyptian and classic Greek sculptures, and images of the divine created in medieval Europe and Buddhist Asia-explaining all these and more in confident, lively prose that brings to life even the least accessible cave scribbles. The book is organized thematically, bringing together disparate works to serve a purpose larger than mere comparison: in his treatment of narrative and storytelling, Spivey considers 20th-century cinema, Australian aboriginal rock painting, Mesopotamian and Greek epic poetry, and Roman narrative sculpture. His approach is mostly successful, but the inclusion of such a wide array of material gives short shrift to individual schools and eras. However, Spivey's care in selecting the issues driving the project allow the book to rise above these limitations and present a thoughtful analysis of the relationship between the evolution of art and human culture. Although its lack of depth on any given subject will make it unsatisfying for professional art historians or anthropologists, the book will appeal to general readers looking for a sprightly introduction to art history.
Reviewed on: 10/31/2005
Genre: Nonfiction
Open Ebook - 416 pages - 978-0-7867-2213-6
Paperback - 288 pages - 978-0-465-08182-0