Cherished Objects
Allison Kyle Leopold. Clarkson N Potter Publishers, $35 (240pp) ISBN 978-0-517-57435-5
Leopold ( Victorian Splendor ) celebrates the Victorian love of excess in this glossy showcase of objects from bric-a-brac to furniture. Spotlighting her own and others' acquisitions, she discusses 19th-century collectors, including Mark Twain and Oscar Wilde, modern decorating with Victoriana and theme-oriented collections of games, portraits and canes. Addeo, a freelance photographer, renders in glowing colors the warmth and prosperity of the quintessential Victorian home. He crowds his still-lifes with clusters of prized possessions and curiosities, conveying the sentimentality and materialism of more than a century ago as preserved in museums or duplicated by today's householders. Those lured to antique shops, auctions and flea markets will appreciate this beautifully illustrated volume. (June)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1991
Genre: Nonfiction