cover image Our Stolen Future

Our Stolen Future

Theo Colborn, John Peter Meyers, Colborn. Dutton Books, $24.95 (320pp) ISBN 978-0-525-93982-5

Since Silent Spring was first published, more than 30 years ago, the toxic properties of many chemicals have received wide attention. Environmental scientists Colborn and Myers, along with science journalist Dumanoski, argue in this frightening and provocative book that although much good has been accomplished by all that attention, our focus on the carcinogenicity of chemicals has led us to ignore a more insidious problem. Many substances in widespread use act, in minute quantities, to disrupt our hormone systems. Most at risk are those still in the womb, where even slight hormonal disturbances can dramatically alter developmental pathways, leading to a host of problems, including reduced fertility, altered behavior patterns and decreased immunity. The consequences can be staggering: ""We worry about the power of hormone-disrupting chemicals to undermine and alter the characteristics that make us uniquely human-our behavior, intelligence, and capacity for social organization."" A host of studies on animals as diverse as whales, panthers, fish, frogs, birds and polar bears supports the thesis of this involving book. (Mar.)