cover image Bowls Out Goes In: Every Man for Himself

Bowls Out Goes In: Every Man for Himself

Gil Trott. Vantage (, $10.95 (158p) ISBN 978-0-533-16002-0

First-time author Trott announces in the prologue that %E2%80%9Cthis is a book of memories%E2%80%9D detailing his life growing up in Bermuda in the 1930s and %E2%80%9940s; his move to America and service in the all-black Third Battalion of the 505th Airborne Infantry Regiment in the early 1950s; his move back to Bermuda, where he ran a popular nightclub; and his work in %E2%80%9Ccorporate America in the early %E2%80%9970s.%E2%80%9D In each phase of his life, Trott experiences racism%E2%80%94and at its midpoint, his book shifts from straight memoir to a discourse on the nature and state of race relations. The book%E2%80%99s title refers to a variation on the game of cricket that Trott played, in which there are no teams and each player competes for the cricket ball or bat. Unfortunately, while offering a few insights, the latter half of the book is unfocused and often presents over-the-top assertions, e.g., %E2%80%9CBoth Blacks and Whites are being manipulated by a few insane, greedy, devil worshippers who call themselves Christians%E2%80%9D and %E2%80%9CEverything the White Man does is geared towards creating division among others.%E2%80%9D