cover image Razzle-Dazzle Ruby

Razzle-Dazzle Ruby

Masha D'yans. Scholastic Press, $17.99 (20p) ISBN 978-0-545-22500-7

In this lively paper-over-board book with several moveable components, Ruby is in the mood to explore the snowy world outside, inventing a fairy tale story as she goes. "I will be the gleaming-beaming snow queen," she tells her dog, Rocket. "And you can be my knight in barking armor." By turning a wheel, snowflakes shimmer in a tree, and Rocket dives through the snow. Via pull-tabs, Ruby skates along the ice and makes snow angels with a friend. Graphic designer D'yans's visual flourishes and bright palette make her children's book debut sparkle. All ages. (Sept.)