Cassavetes on Cassavetes
Raymond Carney, John Cassavetes. Faber & Faber, $35 (526pp) ISBN 978-0-571-20157-0
""Cassavetes' films were quarried from his most private feelings and experiences,"" writes editor Ray Carney in his introduction to Cassavetes on Cassavetes, and then illustrates his point with the writings, interviews and recorded conversations of a beloved cult figure. First an actor and then a director (Faces; A Woman Under the Influence), John Cassavetes, who died in 1989, remains known for gamely trying to make his art in Hollywood, and then gamely wreaking havoc when he was overrided. Of his television series, Staccato (later called Johnny Staccato at the insistence of network executives), the director said: ""It is virtually impossible to get approval on a script that has substance."" Fans and film buffs will delight in this rare look inside the mind of this talented, innovative and influential filmmaker. Photos. ( Aug.)
Reviewed on: 08/13/2001
Genre: Nonfiction