cover image Tiny Dino

Tiny Dino

Deborah J. Freedman. Viking, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-0-593-35264-9

With the declaration “I’m a DINOSAUR!” a pink-breasted hummingbird attempts to persuade that dinosaurs still roam the earth. The argument that results provides a range of creatures (and readers) an education in dinosaur anatomy. A turtle is the first to challenge: “I thought/ dinosaurs stomped/ and clomped./ Your feet are/ too small.” Hummingbird retorts “Look at my toes!/ They are just/ like T. rex!” and a pale diagram supports with explanatory text. Other questions provoke conversation about additional shared characteristics—pneumatic bones, scales and feathers, and claws. When a final challenge unearths an unexpected relative, it’s a chance to discuss ancestry. Softly washed in color, Freedman’s illustrations have the delicacy and fluidity of their winged protagonist. Balancing the informative and the wondrous, the book offers a tribute to the way the interconnections among species ensure that the past remains present. An author’s note and resources conclude. Ages 4–8. (Apr.)