cover image The God of the Woods

The God of the Woods

Liz Moore. Riverhead, $30 (496p) ISBN 978-0-593-41891-8

The gripping and revelatory latest from Moore (Long Bright River) revolves around a prominent banking family’s troubled legacy in the Adirondacks. In 1975, 13-year-old Barbara Van Laar goes missing near the end of her first summer at Camp Emerson. It’s the second time a Van Laar child has vanished from the area; 14 years earlier, Barbara’s older brother Bear disappeared from their summer house when he was eight. The nonlinear narrative lays bare the family’s pain and unhappiness, showing how Peter Van Laar pressures his wife, Alice, to have another child shortly after Bear’s disappearance, and how Barbara frustrates the couple by being comparatively more difficult as a young girl, leading them to send her to boarding school. Moore gradually reveals the truth behind Barbara’s disappearance in scenes told from the alternating perspectives of several characters, including her bunkmate Tracy, who helps Barbara sneak out of the camp to meet her boyfriend. Meanwhile, details about Bear’s disappearance emerge as state police detective Judyta Luptack investigates Barbara’s case. The beautiful and dangerous wilderness setting enhances the suspense as the narrative builds to a dramatic final act that sheds a glaring light on Peter’s reluctance to prioritize the family’s well-being over its reputation. This astonishes. Agent: Seth Fishman, Gernert Co. (July)