cover image Managing to Have Fun

Managing to Have Fun

Matt Weinstein. Simon & Schuster, $21 (224pp) ISBN 978-0-684-81848-1

Founder of Playfair Inc., a management consulting firm, Weinstein has put into practice many of the innovative motivational techniques prescribed in this manual. The keystone of this approach for businesses interested in team building for increased profitability is ``fun in the workplace.'' Extrapolating from the free-form corporate culture evidently prevailing at Playfair, Weinstein outlines programs, both short- and long-term, that incorporate the intentional use of fun and play on the job in a way intended to promote professional community and enhance productivity at all levels. In a sampling of case presentations, Weinstein demonstrates activities that soften initial skepticism of CEOs, suggest non-embarrassing ways for personnel to interact socially and utilize humor as a humanizing element. ``The company that plays together stays together'' is the motto of this creative approach to management style and job satisfaction. (Jan.)