cover image Bianca: The Brave Frail and Delicate Princess

Bianca: The Brave Frail and Delicate Princess

Meg Welch Dendler. Serenity Mountain, $9.99 trade paper (210p) ISBN 978-0-692-92041-1

Princess Bianca, from the kingdom of Pacifico, has been coddled and protected since she was born. By the age of 13, “she had heard the stories of her birth and doctor’s warnings... but none of it seemed a part of her own lungs and heart and arms and legs. It was as if they were fussing about a stranger she had never met.” Her father has forbidden anything he feels might be dangerous to her health, including playing with other children, horseback riding, and leaving the castle. After rumors of a dragon send the king and his knights across the kingdom to vanquish the beast and no word comes from them for three weeks, Bianca sneaks out of the castle. With the help of a witch, fairies, and a cat who’s more than she appears, Bianca journeys into the unknown to slay the dragon that is terrorizing her homeland. Dendler (Max’s Wild Night) populates the novel with varied characters and fun, fantastical elements. Bianca’s wish to prove that she’s not weak and that a girl can save the kingdom is inspiring, resulting in a sweet, empowering tale of a princess standing up for herself. Ages 8–12. (BookLife)