Hell: A Sam Becket Thriller
Hilary Norman. Severn, $28.95 (256p) ISBN 978-0-7278-8074-1
At the outset of Norman’s contrived fifth Sam Becket thriller (after 2010’s Caged), a carefully wrapped human heart is found floating in the African-American Miami detective’s swimming pool. Sam’s Caucasian psychologist wife, Grace, immediately suspects they’re being targeted by her stepbrother, Jerome Cooper (aka Cal the Hater), a psychopathic racist who kidnapped their infant son two years earlier in Caged. Sam’s inquiries as part of the Miami police’s Violent Crimes Unit take on a new urgency after another well-preserved heart turns up in a luxury hotel’s pool and a third is deposited in the Beckets’ bathtub. Norman does a good job presenting Sam’s extended multiethnic family, whose members are particularly supportive of Grace as she faces jail time for a crime she committed under extreme stress. But a convoluted plot, a snarled skein of interwoven relationships, and a wildly improbable conclusion make this a less than satisfying read. (Dec.)
Reviewed on: 10/10/2011
Genre: Fiction
Analog Audio Cassette - 978-1-4079-3142-5
Compact Disc - 10 pages - 978-1-4079-3143-2
Hardcover - 384 pages - 978-0-7278-9944-6
MP3 CD - 2 pages - 978-1-4079-3144-9
Open Ebook - 256 pages - 978-1-78010-138-5
Paperback - 256 pages - 978-1-84751-378-6