Witchy Mama: Magickal Traditions, Motherly Insights, and Sacred Wisdom
Melanie Marquis and Emily A. Francis . Llewellyn, $17.99 (312p) ISBN 978-0-7387-4830-6
Filled with positive affirmations and practical tips, this reference book covers a variety of topics related to motherhood, from setting positive intentions prior to conception to keeping one's personal and creative life alive while raising children. In casual, accessible language ("The boob fairy has come to visit, and youch!"), Marquis and Francis draw on their experiences as practitioners of magick and yoga, respectively, to share meditations to combat stressful situations, tips for setting loving boundaries, rituals to manifest desired outcomes, and stretches to relieve pregnancy aches and pains, as well as catalogs of goddesses and angels, stones, scents and oils, and colors that they deem beneficial to pregnancy and parenting. The authors honor many family situations, a variety of belief systems ("Connect to whatever entities or spirits you believe in"), and differences in personal taste ("If such imagery is a bit too fluffy and flowery for your tastes, envision something different"). The book can be read from cover to cover, but some information (such as the importance of diluting essential oils) is repeated for the benefit of readers who flip from section to section. Other important warnings include which oils and pressure points to avoid while pregnant%E2%80%94useful for pregnant women, soon-to-be-pregnant women, and partners to know. What makes this book magical is its wealth of sensible advice on preparing and caring for children, and its emphasis on mothers taking care of themselves and honoring their own spirits. (May)
Reviewed on: 04/04/2016
Genre: Religion
Hardcover - 978-0-7387-4910-5