Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil
Jenny Wade. Pocket Books, $22.95 (336pp) ISBN 978-0-7434-8217-2
Claiming that lovemaking can be a path to soulful realization, developmental psychologist Wade explores""one of the best-kept secrets in human history"" in this study of ordinary people's spontaneous spiritual awakenings through transcendent sex. Drawing heavily from the well-articulated, first-hand accounts of nearly 100 respondents (specifically chosen for their lack of any spiritual framework or ideology to explain the episodes), the author repeatedly offers historical, religious and cultural traditions as a background, and context for readers' understanding of her arguments. Though not a how-to book per se, Wade's volume broaches the myriad shapes mystical sex may take, including animal possession, time travel, out-of-body experiences, past life regression and even enlightenment, and it provides warnings on the down side of altered state sex (dangerous liaisons and overwhelming intimacy) and suggestions for facilitating transcendent sex. Despite the fact most of those interviewed had only a one-time experience, the long-term effects on their lives often proved profound and healing. Wade's unique subject matter, and her openness with the research data, should make this a welcome addition to the spirituality/self-help genre.
Reviewed on: 04/01/2004
Genre: Religion