This latest, full-color installment from former “sex advisers” Em & Lo (The Big Bang
) bemoans sterile sex manuals that take all the fun and mystery out of sex. Their latest and most comprehensive guide tackles every variety of sexual congress and the minutiae of seduction, fantasy, filming erotic videos and capped with the obligatory public-service “sexual health” section. The text is concise and clear, replete with (fairly familiar) puns (“there's the rub,” “the ties that bind”)—but the real draw isn't the information, all of which is available elsewhere in more detail—it's the pictures. The images shot by the influential British fashion and portrait photographer Rankin feature a range of aesthetically pleasing yet satisfyingly real-looking and ethnically diverse—although exclusively heterosexual—couples that are soft-core, but still racy enough to inspire “naughty ideas,” one of the authors' stated aims. (May)