cover image No Baggage: A Minimalist Tale of Love and Wandering

No Baggage: A Minimalist Tale of Love and Wandering

Clara Bensen. Running Press, $26 (272p) ISBN 978-0-7624-5724-3

Freelance writer Bensen gives a book-length treatment to an article she wrote for Salon, “The Craziest OKCupid Date Ever,” detailing her relationship with Texas maverick Jeff and their luggageless 21-day trip through Europe in the spring of 2013. After suffering a quarter-life existential crisis, Bensen decides to dive back into life with gusto. She meets Jeff on a popular dating site, and a month later they purchase tickets to Istanbul. The resulting adventure includes serendipitous couch-surfing hosts, raucous political protests, a dust-up with security at the Parthenon, and the “grueling surrealism” of a 23-hour bus ride. Bensen exhibits a knack for description and history as she recalls touring the Hagia Sophia, the temple of Apollo, and even Bosnia’s “shelled-out skeleton houses with collapsed roofs and Swiss-cheese walls.” Jeff is a bit of a caricature at first, but as their relationship progresses, he evolves from a vessel of energy and New Age platitudes into a sensitive man facing his fears of commitment and vulnerability. If this sounds like a tale of ridiculous millennial whimsey, it is, but Benson is self-aware, frequently acknowledging her privileges; her account of her mental breakdown borders on maudlin, but her willingness to discuss it in detail is admirable. (Jan.)