cover image Love and the Dream Come True

Love and the Dream Come True

Tammy L. Gray. Bethany House, $15.99 trade paper (384p) ISBN 978-0-7642-3593-1

The endearing third entry in Gray’s State of Grace series (after Love and the Silver Lining) follows a struggling musician as he rediscovers his faith and falls for a childhood acquaintance. Rock singer Cameron Lee, plagued by panic attacks and writer’s block, returns to his Texas hometown for his sister Cassie’s wedding. There, he reconnects with Cassie’s friend Lexie Walters, a superfan of his, and finds himself drawn to her irrepressible positivity. Meanwhile, Cameron discovers that his band’s most famous song—written by his former bandmate, Bryson, who quit before the group found success and married Cameron’s crush Darcy—is an ode to the man who introduced Bryson to Christ, not a love song for Darcy, as Cameron had long assumed. He also learns what true love feels like while falling for Lexie and realizes he had only loved Darcy as a friend. These twin revelations clear Cameron’s mental block and lead him back to his music and faith. Cameron and Lexie’s chemistry is palpable, and readers will root for their happily ever after. This tender tale hits all the right notes. (Aug.)