cover image A Peek into Vedic Wellness

A Peek into Vedic Wellness

Vishnupriya Thacker. Red Feather, $16.99 trade paper (96p) ISBN 978-0-7643-6369-6

Healing coach Thacker debuts with an enlightening if perhaps too slight introduction to Ayurveda, or Indian traditional medicine. Thacker describes the three energies of the body (vata, pitta, and kapha) and how to balance them through diet, recommending that readers “eat mindfully” by reflecting on one’s sensations during meals and avoiding such disturbances as television or contentious conversation. Lists of spices and herbs detail the healing properties of each—cumin increases metabolism and promotes weight loss, for example—and are accompanied by recipes for such dishes as grilled brussels sprouts and millet pancakes. The author tells of how hymns and mantras were passed down by oral tradition for generations before being compiled in scriptures known as the Vedas, and she provides a few of these chants for reducing stress and encouraging spiritual development. The succinct explanations and stylish layout make for an approachable primer, but the overall brevity means this only scratches the surface. This will entice novices to dig deeper. (June)