Whip Your Career Into Submission: The 30-Day Plan to Transform Yourself from Job Slave to Master of Your Own Destiny
Karen Salmansohn. Broadway Books, $22 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-7679-0181-9
There's much ado about S&M in this lively volume, but for Salmansohn (How to Succeed in Business Without a Penis), those letters stand for ""success and money."" To gain those two, she offers a recipe to whip the negative features of your personality into submission. ""Mastering your outer world means you must first master your inner world,"" she states, then elaborates on this central theme throughout. Salmansohn sets forth a one-month program to help readers rid themselves of misdirection, fear, cynicism, guilt, anger, worry, jealousy and anything else that may be interfering with their mastery of the world of business. In her bold, practical guide, she presents all manner of directives--don't carry the past around, especially if it's laden with regrets; never be afraid to resort to rationalization if it helps in a crisis. Salmansohn sees herself as the benevolent dominatrix who will free readers from slavery and guarantees they'll have fun as they toss off their shackles. (June)
Reviewed on: 06/01/1998
Genre: Nonfiction