cover image The Truth About Ben and June

The Truth About Ben and June

Alex Kiester. Park Row, $26.99 (352p) ISBN 978-0-7783-1195-9

Spouses Ben and June Gilmore have been drifting apart for years in Kiester’s bittersweet debut. After a period of increasingly erratic behavior, June disappears, leaving Ben with their newborn son. Ben’s initial anger morphs into concern, then guilt, as he reads her journal entries, talks with other moms in their social network, and reflects on his deteriorating marriage. A key theme is the Greek tragedy of Medea—June, a former professional dancer, was cast to play the character in a major ballet production, and the story of a “powerful sorceress [reduced] to nothing more than a jaded, housebound mother and wife” resonated with her. Through Ben’s reflections and June’s writings, Kiester artfully depicts the highs and lows of the marriage, including a death in the family and the unexpected pregnancy that caused their relationship to slowly implode, as well as June’s feeling that Ben was “cheating on her with his work” at his law firm. Though the conclusion feels a bit trite, Kiester demonstrates a compassion for her characters and draws in the reader with her understated approach. Even though the ending comes up short, there is plenty to chew on along the way. Agent: Sarah Phair, Sanford J. Greenburger Assoc. (June)