Tales from the Top: 10 Crucial Questions from the World's #1 Executive Coach
Graham Alexander. Nelson Business, $22.99 (228pp) ISBN 978-0-7852-1335-2
Though Alexander's ""ten crucial questions"" aren't revolutionary-""What's life all about for you?"" ""Would you do anything differently if you knew you had only a year to live?"" ""Are you running your business or is it running you?""-he makes the usual threadbare management cliches (""Treat your customers like royalty"") say something new by avoiding the hyperbolic vigor common to American business writing, instead employing a dry style that can verge dangerously close to sarcasm: ""Many business leaders find focusing on what is truly important difficult, because doing is so much easier than thinking."" Alexander also pinpoints the major drivers of business dysfunctionality: fear, frenetic busyness, arrogance and ignorance. His solutions are quite sensible: write down the one thing that scares you most about your current situation; do three things a day that only you can do really well to uniquely help the business; don't guess what your customer wants. Though the advice sounds practical enough, the real-world results Alexander has achieved aren't quantified in this book, and the CEOs Alexander has coached aren't named. Still, Alexander has written the rare palatable guide to executive coaching.
Reviewed on: 09/01/2005
Genre: Nonfiction
Paperback - 228 pages - 978-0-7852-8848-0