cover image The Beardstown Ladies' Stitch-In-Time Guide to Growing Your Nest Egg: Step-By-Step Planning for a Comfortable Financial Future

The Beardstown Ladies' Stitch-In-Time Guide to Growing Your Nest Egg: Step-By-Step Planning for a Comfortable Financial Future

Robin Dellabough, Beardstown Ladies. Hyperion, $19.45 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-7868-6192-7

The Beardstown Ladies have gone big-time. From an Illinois river-town investment club featuring prayer, exchanged recipes and remarkably successful stock market investments, the group has parlayed its bestselling Common-Sense Investment Guide into national TV interviews on Donahue and elsewhere, scores of public appearances, receipt of star-quality fan mail and this professionally packaged sequel, with a last-page mail-in coupon for its own Beardstown Lady video feature. For building a comfy retirement nest egg, the Ladies urge all the standard stuff-``Pay yourself first,'' ``the magic of compound interest,'' ``dollar cost averaging'' and so on-but with their own special charm and hometown persuasiveness. Individual club members attest in sometimes touching personal terms to the value of good living, sensible saving for investment and contented retirement. Included here is a wealth of source materials, checklists, financial and legal forms. (Jan.)