Creating a Family Garden: Magical Outdoor Spaces for All Ages
Bunny Guinness. Abbeville Press, $35 (168pp) ISBN 978-0-7892-0218-5
Transforming even the tiniest outdoor patch into a functional, cozy place is Bunny Guinness's aim in Creating a Family Garden: Magical Outdoor Spaces for All Ages. Plans for myriad needs, including those of children (playhouses, tree houses, play areas and gardens), animals ( pets and wildlife) and adults (for eating, entertaining and relaxing) are offered with photos of each finished project. Also covered are the planning of water features, using garden furniture to best advantage, creating topiary and managing habitats, whether wetland, woodland or urban. A list of U.S. suppliers is included.
Reviewed on: 09/02/1996
Genre: Nonfiction