Flesh-and-Blood Jesus: Learning to Be Fully Human from the Son of Man
Dan Russ, .. Baker Books, $14.99 (188pp) ISBN 978-0-8010-6830-0
Russ, longtime teacher and now director of Gordon College's Center for Christian Studies, probes the humanity of Jesus Christ in this revealing, disturbing yet ultimately freeing book. “We can so focus on the realities of our Lord's divinity that we minimize or ignore the realities of his humanity,” he explains. Russ is brutally honest when he addresses our neediness exhibited in Jesus as a “manger wetter,” who as an adult caused tension between himself and his mother and routinely questioned authority. Especially freeing is Russ's understanding that Jesus failed many times and disappointed others, yet remained sinless. Though some equate failure with sin, Russ says we can “fail gracefully” as Jesus did. Russ addresses timely topics such as Jesus'—and our—need for friends, Jesus as a sexual being and Jesus' anger, and also offers chapters related to doubt and dying well. A few readers may take offense at Russ's openness about Jesus' humanity, yet many will find solace and joy in realizing that the pulpit talk about Jesus becoming human has real meaning for life.
Reviewed on: 04/28/2008
Genre: Nonfiction