Amazing ABC
Sean Kenney. Holt/Ottaviano, $7.99 (30p) ISBN 978-0-8050-9464-0
Kenney moves from picture books (Cool Cars and Trucks; Cool Robots) to board books with this eye-catching abecedary illustrated entirely with Kenney’s trademark Lego sculptures. The objects Kenney uses for each letter range from the familiar (apple, dog) to the unexpected (excavator, lighthouse), but each one of his Lego creations is sure to delight: for “queen,” Kenney offers a bird’s-eye view of a 2-D playing card, and the “zipper” that closes out the book almost looks functional. Prepare to haul out the Lego bins after finishing this one. Ages 2–5. (July)
Reviewed on: 06/25/2012
Genre: Children's
Other - 30 pages - 978-1-4668-1574-2