cover image The Alchemy of Letting Go

The Alchemy of Letting Go

Amber Morrell. Albert Whitman, $17.99 (288p) ISBN 978-0-8075-4937-7

Seventh grader Juniper Edwards and her big sister Ingrid used to love studying insects together, but two years after Ingrid’s death by drowning, Juniper has become obsessed with entomology. Moreover, she is determined to capture the butterfly that Ingrid most wanted for their collection—the rare Palos Verdes Blue, which lives in the coastal watershed near their Southern California home. After Juniper almost drowns during her pursuit, her rigorous scientific understanding of the world is shaken as she manifests powers that can bring dead flora and insects back to life. The discovery of magician neighbors—and the idea that she can approach her newfound affinity scientifically—lead to her taking on the practice with zeal, a singular goal in mind: reviving Ingrid. Juniper’s magic often feels convenient—she becomes magically adept with frustrating ease—but the ramifications of her choices deliver profound emotional moments throughout. Twining matters magical and scientific in straightforward prose, Morrell’s contemplative debut handles the complexity of grief with a deft touch while addressing serious ethical questions around life, death, and the responsibilities of power. Juniper and her family cue as white. Ages 9–12. Agent: Travis Pennington, Knight Agency. (Mar.)