cover image How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World: Revised Edition

How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World: Revised Edition

Frank L. Acuff. AMACOM/American Management Association, $27.95 (326pp) ISBN 978-0-8144-5995-9

Acuff's knowledge of local business practices worldwide and his familiarity with many different cultures, customs and national psychologies is impressive and will be helpful to those working abroad in business, diplomacy and the military. In this useful and entertaining guide, Acuff, a professonal negotiator, contends that each of 41 countries within six regions of the world economy and world investment networks calls for different and appropriate negotiating methods, pace and style--all clearly detailed in ``Fast Fact'' summaries and checklists for each nation. Attending to the manual's behavioral dos and don'ts (how deep to bow in Japan) and to sensitive topics of converation (religion in Saudi Arabia) should help reduce friction and misunderstanding in U.S. relations abroad. (Nov.)