The Ghost of Lost Island
Liza Ketchum Murrow, Liza Ketchum. Holiday House, $16.95 (165pp) ISBN 978-0-8234-0874-0
Gabe is proud that he has been chosen to help shear the sheep his grandfather keeps on Lost Island. While exploring, Gabe discovers a makeshift shelter in the woods: someone else is living on the island. Or is it the ghost that Grandfather claims haunts the area? With the help of his bossy older sister, Gabe discovers the truth. Because the characters are somewhat sketchily developed, Murrow's novel never attains the depth and complexity of her earlier works, West Against the Wind and Fire in the Heart . Still, the combination of authentic outdoorsy details and spooky goings-on makes for a pleasing yarn. Ages 8-12. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1991
Genre: Children's