cover image Good People ...from an Author's Life

Good People ...from an Author's Life

Jon Hassler. Loyola Press, $12.95 (0pp) ISBN 978-0-8294-1636-7

""I had the great good fortune to be reared in a cocoon of goodness,"" begins novelist Jon Hassler (Staggerford) in Good People... from an Author's Life, a memoir of the people who most impressed him with their kindness. Beginning with family members and running through childhood and adult friends and even characters from his novels, Hassler explores many permutations of goodness, its difficulties, complexities and many of its particular attributes: ""It's a characteristic of anyone growing up in a happy household, I've found, this ability to wring every possible remark out of an unremarkable topic."" Funny, wise and warm-hearted, this tribute will delight anyone looking for a pick-me-up or a reminder of why it pays to be kind.