cover image The Power of Pause: Doing More by Doing Less

The Power of Pause: Doing More by Doing Less

Terry Hershey, . . Loyola, $16.95 (235pp) ISBN 978-0-8294-2862-9

Retreat leader and speaker Hershey offers his growing fan base of faithful Christ followers a smart, sensible and so practical primer on the power of pausing. Hershey (Soul Gardening ) presents 52 nifty ways to hit the pause button no matter what the season of life. In an eight-part text in which sections are defined by the four seasons, each with an early and late aspect—readers will find themselves removed from the tyranny of the urgent and moved to a peaceful, reflective and deliberatively inactive place of reflection. Hershey, funny and honest about his own foibles, will have thoughtful readers resonating with his human struggles while gratefully accepting his kindly offered yet stern cautions on the dangers of the busy life. Well-written and issuing continual invitations to pay attention, live in a centered way and say yes to the moment, Hershey shows people how to pause and makes them want to do so. (Sept.)