Wellness Community Guide to Fighting for Recovery from Cancer
Harold H. Benjamin. Jeremy P. Tarcher, $16.95 (288pp) ISBN 978-0-87477-794-9
Benjamin, founder of the Wellness Community, a psychosocial support program for cancer patients, expands upon his earlier title, From Victim to Victor (1988), with this empowering, empathetic guide. Reiterating the concept of the Patient Active and its take-home message that cancer patients who fight for recovery are likely to improve the quality of their lives and may enhance their chances for recovery, he explains the mind-body connection underlying his approach: a strong immune system can resist disease better, and the immune system can be strengthened by psychological means. To that end, he details practical techniques for controlling stressful, negative emotions--anger, hopelessness, helplessness--and maximizing pleasant ones. Benjamin makes it clear that these efforts are not an alternative to traditional medicine but an adjunct; while urging cancer patients to take control, he emphasizes that no guilt should be attached to getting cancer or to its progression. Appendices include a nutrition handbook and lists of resources for cancer patients. (Aug.)
Reviewed on: 08/14/1995
Genre: Nonfiction