The Twisted Sword: A Poldark Novel
Winston Graham. Carroll & Graf Publishers, $21.95 (510pp) ISBN 978-0-88184-693-5
In this 11th and concluding novel of the Poldark saga--a bestseller in England--Graham once again follows the fortunes of the Cornwall family. Series readers will not be surprised at the the centrality here of Ross Poldark and his wife, Demelza, who have matured from youthful emotional turbulence to become people of substance. His American war experience behind him, Ross is now a titled MP, called to England's secret service on the Continent during the Napoleonic wars. The Poldark children are also involved in the war, with tragic consequences. Old feuds and frustrated romances shadow the domestic scene, as Ross undertakes the role of patriarch, reflecting on the three decades that have elapsed since his meeting in 1783 with the incomparable Demelza. With customary grace, Graham handles a busy story, deftly conveying a stormy period in England and France while managing to provide helpful recaps of prior Poldark history. (Apr.)
Reviewed on: 04/01/1991
Genre: Fiction