cover image The Super Saver: Fundamental Strategies for Building Wealth

The Super Saver: Fundamental Strategies for Building Wealth

Janet C. Lowe. Longman Financial Services Publishing, $19.95 (245pp) ISBN 978-0-88462-915-3

Warning that a higher savings rate is an urgent individual need and a pressing national imperative, financial writer Lowe here analyzes the dizzying array of savings options available: bank accounts and CDs, mutual funds, annuities, insurance, government and municipal bonds, real estate, pension plans, etc. She stresses the difference between savings and investment--the latter can make your money disappear. She points out sobering realities: a newborn's parents eyeing a top college must put aside $345 a month now for future tuition. With its cutely titled, easy-to-digest short paragraphs--``Bonds for the Little Guy Grow Up,'' ``Home Still a Haven''--this guide is clearly intended for those unsophisticated in money matters--yet may lose some of that audience in an overabundance of technical material. Readers who stay the course, however, may profit. (Jan.)