cover image Disposable Patriot

Disposable Patriot

Jack Terrell. National Press Books, $24.95 (480pp) ISBN 978-0-915765-38-6

In 1984 Terrell, an ex-con with no military experience, was managing a condominium service in Alabama and suffering from boredom when he became involved in a shadowy organization called Civilan Military Assistance and soon found himself in Honduras preparing to lead a group of Miskito Indians against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. Before anything came of this, however, he was unceremoniously booked out of Honduras, an event he believes Lt. Col. Oliver North orchestrated. Terrell claims that he then became a congressional committee's primary source of information leading to the exposure of the Iran-Contra scandal. His attempt to present himself as a lonely whistle-blower waging a noble war against Reagan administration misdeeds in Central America makes colorful reading but ultimately fails to convince. Photos. (Nov.)