cover image Where Medicine Fails

Where Medicine Fails

Carol E. McMahon. Trado-Medic Books, $19.95 (134pp) ISBN 978-0-932426-37-6

Practicing psychologist McMahon blames the medical profession's fixation on Cartesian metaphysics, dualism and the mind-body split for the failure to find cures for such stress-related illnesses as ulcers, headaches and lower-back pain. Because this dualism denies interaction between the physical and immaterial, the author says the causes of psychosomatic diseases are poorly understood and not curable by modern technology or chemistry. Holistic remedies, on the other hand, are frowned upon, though modern medicine has no way of explaining the effectiveness of placebos or hypnotism. McMahon calls for studies of the nature of living matter and consciousness that are not subject to the laws of physics, which she believes will bring about a ""biotonic'' dimension of reality and a redefinition of human nature. However, she adds, it will take a fundamental philosophical revolution to persuade physicians to accept a concept of wholeness and to restructure their therapeutic approach accordingly. Dense thickets of medical and holistic jargon cripple the potential impact of this thought-provoking essay. (December 15)