cover image The Wonders of Qigong: A Chinese Exercise for Fitness, Health, and Longevity

The Wonders of Qigong: A Chinese Exercise for Fitness, Health, and Longevity

Sports Magazine China. Wayfarer Publications, $13 (112pp) ISBN 978-0-935099-07-2

Qigong (pronounced chee-kung) is an ancient concept integrating breathing, movement and concentration that purportedly has over two million followers. Westerners engaged in martial arts are familiar with the practice, but others should find merit in this introduction, reprinted from a People's Republic of China English-language sports and fitness magazine. Included are information on the concept's historical and scientific underpinnings, an accessible range of illustrated exercises and some curious case studies. While the book's curative claims may seem excessive, it makes clear that qigong holds value for Westerners interested in more than cosmetic fitness. Photos not seen by PW. DecemberTHE WONDERS OF QIGONG: A Chinese Exercise for Fitness, Health, and Longevity Edited by China Sports Magazine. Wayfarer Publications (P.O. Box 26156, Los Angeles, Calif. 90026), $10.95 ISBN 0-935099-07-7 Qigong (pronounced chee-kung) is an ancient concept integrating breathing, movement and concentration that pur portedly has over two million follow ers. Westerners engaged in martial arts are familiar with the practice, but oth ers should find merit in this introduc tion, reprinted from a People's Repub lic of China English-language sports and fitness magazine. Included are in formation on the concept's historical and scientific underpinnings, an acces sible range of illustrated exercises and some curious case studies. While the book's curative claims may seem ex cessive, it makes clear that qigong holds value for Westerners interested in more than cosmetic fitness. Photos not seen by PW. December