cover image The End: 50 Apocalyptic Visions from Pop 
Culture That You Should Know About... Before 
It’s Too Late

The End: 50 Apocalyptic Visions from Pop Culture That You Should Know About... Before It’s Too Late

Laura Barcella. Zest (HMH, dist.), $12.99 paper (176p) ISBN 978-0-9827322-5-0

Readers who voraciously consume apocalypse-themed YA novels should feel right at home with this guide to end-of-days scenarios, as depicted in pop culture. A diverse sampling of books, art, movies, music, and more are arranged alphabetically and include information about the origins, inspiration behind, and impact of each work. Among the entries: R.E.M.’s song “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine),” the film Dr. Strangelove, and Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. Barcella thoughtfully sums up the context of each entry, interpreting the ways in which pop culture both mirrors and feeds our fears of the end. Ages 12–up. (July)