cover image Weaver


Tish Thawer. Amber Leaf, $24.99 (284p) ISBN 978-1-08-798453-7

In Rhode Island, 19-year-old Milly has spent the last six years since her mother’s death practicing magic and tending to her garden alone. During a dream, she meets a mysterious and handsome stranger called the Weaver, a solitary magic user who uses his hereditary powers to weave dreams from souls. While the duo explores the dream plane, the Weaver informs Milly that he has chosen her as his queen, a magical counterpart with whom he can balance the realm’s constantly battling light and dark magic. To become his queen, however, she must leave the real world and join him in the dream plane. Milly hesitates, reluctant to leave her life behind, but as the dreamscape’s dark magic begins bleeding into the physical world, Milly realizes there’s more about the Weaver’s magic than even he understands. Heavy exposition results in a rushed resolution, but Thawer (the TS901 Chronicles) renders an intricate magic system and richly detailed world peppered with small, cozy comforts, such as Milly’s beloved garden, and overflowing with ethereal descriptions of dreamworld environs. An 1847-set prologue hints at the Weaver’s origins. Major characters cue as white. Ages 16–up. (Self-published)