cover image Destiny of the Dead

Destiny of the Dead

Kel Kade. Tor, $27.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-250-29382-4

Kade’s second Shroud of Prophecy fantasy adds a formidable amount of plot complication to the already substantial weight of lore established in Fate of the Fallen. At its core, it’s a story of squabbling gods colliding with squabbling humans. Axus, god of death, and his minions intend to annihilate “the infestation that was life.” But not all the gods agree, with some at least curious about how humans struggle to survive. The human Aaslo, for example, has grown from a simple forester to a mighty hero with the arm of a dragon and unpredictable supernatural powers, including the ability to raise dead men as warriors (his “corpse corps”). He doesn’t enjoy the savior role that’s been thrust upon him, and is constantly hounded by sarcastic comments from the severed head of his brother, Mathias, who was prophesied to be the chosen one before his death. And then there’s Cherri, who unwillingly recognizes her role as a paladin. When she and Aaslo meet cute, she doesn’t trust him and so drops a building on him. It’s this mix of inventive fantastika and deadpan humor that keeps the pages turning. Though the snark sometimes gets a bit thick, this yarn is sure to keep readers hooked for the next in the series. (Mar.)