cover image Hate to Fake It to You

Hate to Fake It to You

Amanda Sellet. Griffin, $18 trade paper (336p) ISBN 978-1-250-90624-3

YA author Sellet’s adult debut (after By the Book) attempts to raise the curtain on the world of over-the-top lifestyle influencers through comedic pratfalls but both the humor and the romance fall flat. Libby Lane, a sometimes waitress and aspiring writer living in Oahu, maintains an online persona named Lillibet, a vapid, rich influencer offering meaningless meditative clichés and silly skin care tips. When Lillibet is approached by semi-famous Hildy Johnson, a young professional from a media dynasty family, with an offer to expand Lillibet’s brand, Libby and friends scramble to make Libby’s life appear to match the one she posts online and keep Hildy from learning the truth. Their scheme is complicated by Libby’s attraction to Hildy’s travel companion, wildlife photographer Jefferson, who’s introduced as Hildy’s boyfriend. Unbeknownst to Libby, however, the relationship between Jefferson and Hildy is a ruse designed to lend Hildy credibility. The result is that everyone is lying to everyone else, leaving readers with no one to root for. Jefferson feels particularly one-dimensional, making it hard to see him as a romantic hero. The slapstick comedy attempts to emulate classic screwball romances, but without an emotional core to keep things grounded, this disappoints. Agent: Bridget Smith, JABberwocky Literary. (July)