cover image Totally Psychic

Totally Psychic

Brigid Martin. Inkyard, $18.99 (320p) ISBN 978-1-335-45374-7

A 12-year-old Cuban American medium dreams of becoming a world-renowned psychic just like her abuela in Martin’s laugh-out-loud debut, a lighthearted lesson in the downsides of chasing Internet acclaim. Paloma Ferrer, who is part of a long line of psychics, loves the attention that comes from being the granddaughter of Gloria, medium to the rich and famous and host of the wildly popular show Miami Mystic. Paloma believes she’s ready to follow in Abuela’s footsteps by joining her on a tour across Latin America. When her parents announce they’re moving the family from Miami to Los Angeles to escape Abuela’s limelight, Paloma’s determined not to let the setback curtail her ambition. She will just have to show her abuela what she can do by secretly livestreaming séances from her new school’s greenhouse. But as requests for readings start piling up, ghosts begin to overstay their welcome, and her nosy younger sister becomes suspicious, Paloma must figure out a way to clean up her act. Through Paloma’s unabashedly youthful voice, Martin crafts a predictable narrative that’s satisfying in its meditations on tween friendship, balancing the responsibilities of newfound power and charting one’s own path within family traditions. Ages 8–12. Agent: Suzie Townsend, New Leaf Literary. (Aug.)