cover image Get What You Want: How to Go from Unseen to Unstoppable

Get What You Want: How to Go from Unseen to Unstoppable

Julie Solomon. HarperCollins Leadership, $27.99 (240p) ISBN 978-1-4002-2617-7

Solomon, host of The Influencer Podcast, comes up short in this stale take on women’s self-empowerment. She begins by recounting a low moment when, as a stressed-out new mother, she spent prolifically to make herself feel better and hid $30,000 in credit card debt from her husband. That, plus the emotional baggage around money she grew up with, motivated her to help other women shed their limiting financial beliefs. To that end, she offers up simple prompts (“What other questions do you plan on asking the prospect or yourself to make sure your negotiation is a success? Add them here!”), broad self-assessment and self-discovery questions (“What parts of yourself are you willing to finally accept? What can you change?”), quippy (if corny) quotes (“You know how a self-righteous woman dies? She climbs to the top of her ego and jumps off!”), and somewhat flimsy tips for setting boundaries and pitching ideas. The advice to “change habits of behavior and thinking patterns that don’t work and are actually self-destructive” is sound, but the author’s you-can-do-it tone doesn’t do much to disguise the fact that there isn’t much new here: “Don’t be afraid to shine bright,” she writes, and “learn from the no’s.” This one’s just for the podcast’s fans. (June)