cover image Forever or a Day

Forever or a Day

Sarah Jacoby.. Chronicle, $17.99 (40p) ISBN 978-1-4521-6463-2

Jacoby's debut, a meditation on the nature of time ("The more you try to hold it%E2%80%A6 the better it hides%E2%80%A6. Where does it go?"), unfolds along with a visual story of a family's visit to a cherished set of grandparents. Two parents and their young son set out from the city, joining the grandparents for a day that starts at the beach, continues with fishing off a dock, and ends under a starry sky around a campfire. Goodbye hugs are exchanged as Jacoby voices a clear-eyed truth about time ("We've only got what we've got"), then offers a warm postscript: "I love the time I have with you." Dry-brushed watercolor-and-pastel images survey sweeping views of cityscapes and country forests, but offer fine detail as well: brilliant dawn breaking in the narrow space between two dark buildings ("If you look closely you can see it"), ripples in the water, a shooting star over the forest. The family's regard for each other is felt on every page. It's really two stories: one about time, and another one about love. Ages 3%E2%80%935. (Apr.)