Ed Willis. Amazon Digital Services, $2.99 e-book (201p) ISBN 978-1-4764-8782-3
This odd, sometimes absurd, always surprising effort from Willis is likely to confuse most%E2%80%94if not all%E2%80%94readers. The difficult-to-follow plot begins with Max, who is considering a medical procedure that involves cutting open his skull while he%E2%80%99s under local anesthesia. John has sex with a woman%E2%80%94their coupling is described as a %E2%80%9Cperpetual motion device made of meat%E2%80%9D%E2%80%94that ends with a bed covered in blood. When John is next encountered, his friend Dick is telling him that asexual reproduction will soon be reality for humans%E2%80%94with dire consequences for the male of the species. Readers will find themselves asking, %E2%80%9CWhat%E2%80%99s going on here?%E2%80%9D Many will be unable to answer that question by the book%E2%80%99s end. And without fully developed characters with which to identify, most readers won%E2%80%99t stick around to sort out this bizarre narrative.
Reviewed on: 12/24/2012
Genre: Fiction