Make It Happen in 10 Minutes a Day: The Simple, Revolutionary Method for Getting Things Done
Lorne Holden. CreateSpace, $7.95 paper (108p) ISBN 978-1-4792-1247-7
Holden claims it took her just 10 minutes a day to write this clich%C3%A9d self-help book, a statement few readers will question based on the banality of its advice. The author discovered her method when she decided to devote 10 minutes each day to planting the flower garden she had long wanted. She soon realized that breaking longer tasks down into small, finite blocks of time could work for pretty much anything. Followers of Holden%E2%80%99s philosophy are to start by using the first 10 minutes to plan, making sure to use positive statements. For readers ill-equipped to keep track of their minimal daily commitment, Holden recommends the use of a timer. Equally unsophisticated is the %E2%80%9CMake It Happen%E2%80%9D mantra, shared several times in the book: %E2%80%9CMake it easy. Take it easy. Keep it easy.%E2%80%9D It%E2%80%99s hard to imagine that many readers, even those who take more than 10 minutes to process each short chapter, will find the author%E2%80%99s suggestions particularly useful, especially in dealing with truly difficult and urgent tasks.
Reviewed on: 12/24/2012
Genre: Nonfiction