cover image Murder at the Capitol

Murder at the Capitol

C.M. Gleason. Kensington, $26 (304p) ISBN 978-1-4967-2398-7

At the start of Gleason’s superior third Lincoln’s White House mystery (after 2018’s Murder in the Oval Library), set in July 1861, Southern sympathizer Pinebar Tufts, an assistant examiner in the Patent Office’s civil engineering division, enters the partially completed Capitol, where an assailant hits him on the head. The next day, Tufts’s body is discovered hanging from a crane beneath the building’s half-finished dome. The grim find is reported to series lead Adam Quinn, a frontiersman who has become a member of Abraham Lincoln’s security team. African-American physician George Hilton, a friend of Quinn’s, examines the corpse and confirms Quinn’s suspicions of foul play. A complicated murder inquiry ensues. Quinn must probe Tufts’s killing at a particularly fraught time, as Washington, D.C., residents anxiously await the “big battle” that they hope will settle the Civil War in the Union’s favor. Gleason effectively integrates historical subplots, including a Southern spy ring, into the main story line. Owen Parry fans will be pleased. Agent: Maura Kye-Casella, Don Congdon Assoc. (Feb.)